Tips On Sticking To Your Weight Loss Plan During The Holidays

Navigating the Holidays with Cōpare®

Sticking to your weight loss plan can be tricky during the holidays. Many people feel pressure from family and friends to socialize and that often leads to overindulging in food and alcohol. We also hold an emotional attachment to holiday foods – associating our favorite holiday memories to specific foods.  As the holidays approach, here are some ideas to help you navigate them more healthfully.

Enlist Support

Try  leaning on a friend or family member to help keep you on track. Having a champion by your side might be just what you need. Your buddy can keep you accountable, as well as find ways to distract you with non-food activities, helping you to enjoy the holidays without the added calories.

Don’t Go Out with an Empty Tank

We tend to hold off on eating before a big holiday gathering choosing instead to “save ourselves” for the big event.  Saving all of your calories for that one big meal will increase your food cravings, cause you to think about food obsessively and will ultimately lead to overeating.  If you can eat a small amount before heading out to your event, you are much less likely to overeat. Keep this in mind when you’re running errands or holiday shopping as well. Plan ahead and either have an Cōpare product with you or plan to stop for a healthy meal so you’re not going for long periods without eating.

Bring Something

If your traditional holiday get-together involves loads of carbohydrate-rich or high fat foods, consider bringing a healthier option. Check out Cōpare holiday recipes for ideas or ask your coach for suggestions. You can also check in with the host of your gathering to see what might be needed.

Keep Focused on Veggies

Aim to fill half your plate with non-starchy veggies. Veggies are an excellent source of fiber and will help fill you up. They’re also low in calories and high in key nutrients, which can do wonders for your appetite, energy, and mood.


Distance Helps the Heart Stay Healthy

Move around and avoid lingering too long in rooms filled with food, snacks and especially sweet treats.  Socialize – the more you mingle,  the less likely you’ll be to snack and overindulge.  

Keep a Lid on Stress

Holidays can be stressful, especially when we are in the midst of a pandemic. Stress can inhibit your progress, cause sugar cravings, and drain your willpower. Make sure to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, finding time to relax (read a book, take a bath, go on a hike), and focusing on fueling your body with healthy choices.

Say “No, Thank You”

It can be hard saying “no” for fear of appearing rude or snobby. It’s important to remind yourself to respect your personal health. A simple “no thank you,” without any added details often works just fine. 

Take 5 Minutes

After finishing your first helping or before reaching for the snacks or desserts, take a 5 minute “pause”. Make conversation, drink a glass of water, or step outside. After 5 minutes, check in with yourself. Are you full?  Do you really need a 2nd helping or dessert? 

Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol increases appetite and diminishes your ability to control what you eat. Some holiday drinks can have up to 500 calories. Aim to limit your alcohol intake. Try consuming water with a squeeze of lemon or lime or fruit-flavored seltzer drinks. 

Put  On Your Walking Shoes

Stay active, energized and motivated. Start your day with a brisk walk or organize a touch football game. Stay busy cleaning or helping with the dishes. If you’re already in an exercise routine, stick with your routine but remember, you can’t “out exercise” a bad diet. It’s harder than you think to work off a few hundred extra calories.

Remember Your Why

Focus on why you started your weight loss journey in the first place. You started this program because a change was needed. Changing habits and behaviors can be uncomfortable but being healthy inside and out is well worth the effort.  Be honest with yourself and remember that you will not get the results you desire if you are not willing to make the needed, long-term changes. Although food is an integral part of the holidays, put the focus on family and friends. Every time you are faced with temptations, remember the reason why you are on this journey.

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