Learning About The EMPowerment Audio Program and How It Can Help You - Copare

Learning About The EMPowerment Audio Program and How It Can Help You

Losing weight is a complicated process that involves more than just watching your diet and exercising. Dropping pounds is so much easier said than done.

Don’t blame yourself for a lack of willpower or a slow metabolism though. Instead, you may have deep subconscious factors leading to your inability to lose those extra pounds.

At Cōpare, we use the empowerment Audio Program to help you discover these underlying factors, so you’re free to find your healthy weight. We’d like to share some information about this hypnosis program and how it can help you.

Defining emotional stress

Emotional stress can have a very real impact on your weight. Emotional stress occurs when you have a reaction to a situation that puts your equilibrium out of balance. The stress can be psychological or physical. When your equilibrium is out of balance, you feel fear, anxiety, worry, or anger, and your body may respond by holding onto extra weight.

The chronic stress placed on your body by emotional issues can lead to the excess production of cortisol and epinephrine, hormones designed to help you react to stressful situations. When stress is constant, however, the neverending presence of too much of these hormones can lead to weight gain and habits, such as overeating, that makes your waist expand.

Emotional issues that stand in the way of weight loss

The empowerment Audio Program can help you figure out what role food plays for you and why you can’t shake the extra weight. You may discover that food is a comfort, but that there are other ways to soothe your soul. Food can also be a way of avoiding issues or feelings that cause emotional pain. You may want to lose weight, but deep down find a comfort in your current state. The empowerment Audio Program can help you identify if these feelings like these are standing in the way of your weight loss.

About empowerment Audio

The empowerment Audio Program helps you identify underlying emotional factors that may be leading to your poor eating habits. The program is personalized for you and based on hypnosis. Hypnosis helps uncover your true thoughts and feelings, so you have no barriers. You can reveal why you’ve overeaten in the past, so you can overcome them in the future. The program can also help you achieve improved mental focus so you stay true to your weight-loss plan.

The benefits of empowerment Audio

The empowerment Audio Program is noninvasive and literally puts the process of weight loss in your hands. It can minimize stress and reduce anxiety. The hypnosis program builds your confidence, so you achieve better mental focus and the willpower to beat cravings. You conquer your fears and reduce dependency on unhealthy substances, such as alcohol.

The program helps you lose weight fast, because your emotions and habits are curbed and no longer get in the way of your progress.

To learn how the empowerment Audio Program can help you break through your personal, subconscious barriers to weight loss, visit one of our locations in Vienna, Woodbridge, Alexandria, and Ashburn, Virginia, and in Rockville, Maryland. Call one of the offices or book online at the one nearest you today.

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