Kevin's Story - Copare

Kevin’s Story

Kevin learned how to stay healthy while balancing family, work and life responsibilities.

“I heard about Cōpare on the radio and wondered if it really worked or if it was right for me. This year I was so busy at work I didn’t have time to plan my meals, and ate whatever was quick and easy. I gained enough weight that I didn’t recognize myself in pictures. I knew then that my lack of a plan was not working and I needed help getting my health and weight back in line.

When I started the program I decided to take a “white-belt” mentality; I checked my preconceived ideas about nutrition at the door and jumped right in, eager to learn and follow directions. 

My success with Cōpare is not magical, and it can easily be repeated. First, listen and do what they tell you. Second, realize small daily and weekly steps add up to large strides forward. Third, remember the reason why you want to improve, be it for your own health or your family and kids, and let that keep you focused. 

Kim and Alexa helped tremendously when I applied knowledge to life outside of Cōpare. They gave me real world suggestions on eating, and if I told them I would be going to a restaurant they would pull up the menu and advise me on what to order. The tailored personal guidance navigated me towards success even when eating out.

My lifestyle reflects many other young dads – trying to balance family, work, life responsibilities, and all while trying to stay healthy and active.  Now that I understand nutrition and eating much better it has not been challenging to keep the weight off. I feel like my old self again. My clothes fit better, I have more confidence and running and exercising are more fun, easier, and more rewarding.

Trust the process, believe in yourself and just do it. You can either spend the next period of your life dreaming about getting healthy or doing it – my advice is to get after it!”


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