Importance of a Wellness Coach In Your Weight Loss Journey

The Important Role of a Wellness Coach During Your Weight Loss Journey

Over 70% of Americans struggle with the health burden of being overweight, and 22 million of those are considered extremely overweight.

Most overweight adults have tried various pills, diets, machines, and exercise measures to trim down — and without success. It’s become clear that losing weight and keeping it off without the proper support is an uphill battle that most don’t win.

Permanent weight loss is difficult without support

Fewer than 10% of Americans successfully loses weight and maintains the loss over the long term. The other 90% are left to yo-yo between a vicious cycle of modest weight loss and eventual weight regain. And many people gain back a tad more than they lost.

A complex network of circumstances contributes to weight gain and the inability to lose weight and keep it off. Humans are creatures of habit and tend to slide back into habits that are comfortable, but not necessarily healthy.

Changing how you think and behave takes tremendous effort. It’s akin to pushing a large boulder up a hill alone. But thankfully, with the support of another person, especially an expert, pushing that boulder up the same hill becomes much easier and your chances of success skyrocket.

Lose more weight with health coaching

Adults who partner with a wellness coach lose more weight than those who don’t, and they’re more likely to keep it off. A study appearing in the journal Obesity highlights the crucial role of a wellness coach in weight loss.

In the study, participants were randomly assigned to a weight loss program with and without a wellness coach. After 24 weeks, participants who aligned with a health coach lost nearly 10% of their body weight, compared to 6% for those who didn’t have the aid of a wellness coach.

Your wellness coach is your ally

At Cōpare, clients are encouraged to see their coach at least once a week. Think of your wellness coach as your co-pilot. You work together to develop an individualized eating and exercise plan that’s right for you. Your health coach works with you to:

  • Identify and navigate weight loss barriers
  • Provide encouragement to keep you on track
  • Help you develop meal prep ideas
  • Provide tips on choosing healthy options when eating out
  • Motivate when you face weight loss challenges
  • Implement changes at a pace that’s comfortable for you
  • Hold you accountable

Coaching offers results that last

The benefits of partnering with a wellness coach continue even when you complete the Cōpare program. The healthy habits you develop with the help of a weight loss coach last well beyond your weekly support sessions. A wellness coach gives you the tools and support to help you make healthy choices and keep the weight off over the long haul.

You can get improvement in other areas, too

Adding a health coach to your weight loss journey leads to more than just a decline on the scale. Partnering with a wellness coach can lead to improvements in other areas of your life. Individuals who lose weight with the support of a health coach experience improvements in physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive well-being.

Success is attainable

Successful coaching involves creating a trusting relationship and developing a rapport between you and your coach, which spurs you to succeed. That’s why the Cōpare program utilizes a client-centered approach designed around you as a unique individual.

To get started today, call one of our offices and speak with our knowledgeable staff. We’re located near you with clinics in Vienna and Woodbridge, Virginia, and Rockville, Maryland.

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