You’re a woman on the go and your personal health has taken a backseat, in competition with the pressures of work, family life, or a long to-do list. You might be raising young children or teenagers, or maybe you’re about to become an empty nester and navigating a new chapter. Juggling work and family has left you exhausted, with little time to exercise and build healthy routines. Some unhealthy habits are creeping into your life but you lack the motivation or energy to change. We get you – because we are you.
Cōpare women want to feel confident, attractive, healthy and worth it.

Maybe you’re trying to understand some of the changes that are happening to your body as a result of fluctuating hormones. Over time, some of your favorite outfits have been shoved to the back of your closet when they no longer fit. You’re following all of the latest diet trends but nothing seems to work, and restricting calories isn’t helping. You’re finally ready for a personalized nutrition program that helps you change your habits, understand your body and speaks only to you.