Should You Diet Before the Holidays | How to Diet During Holidays

Why You Should Start Healthier Lifestyle Habits Before the Holidays

How often have you said to yourself, “I’m going to start eating healthier and working out after the holidays!”? While it’s never a bad idea to start developing healthy habits, you shouldn’t wait until after the holidays to take action. When you decide to eat more nutrient-dense food or begin a new exercise routine after the holidays, you’re more likely to indulge than if you hadn’t set that goal. You’ll think: “it doesn’t matter how much I drink or eat right now because I’m going to fix it after the holidays!” But with this mindset, you’re already behind. 

Here are five reasons why you should start healthier lifestyle habits before the holidays:

Get ahead of the curve

If losing weight is your goal, you should start paying attention to what you eat. Discover healthy alternatives to processed foods, exercise portion control and consider limiting your alcohol and sugar intake now versus waiting. Continuing your old habits up until and throughout the holidays means you’ll have even more weight to lose after the holiday season. Start in early October, and you could lose 20 pounds by Thanksgiving.

Set yourself up for success

You want to get a hold of your new lifestyle choices before the chaos of the holiday season. If you don’t know the meals you should be eating and aren’t sticking to a regular exercise routine, you’ll be more likely to reach for quick yet unhealthy food options and skip your workouts. When you begin in the fall, you’ll already be in the swing of your new routine and less likely to make choices that could hurt your progress.

Worry less about food during the holidays

The holidays are not a time to deprive yourself of the food and drinks you enjoy. Develop healthy habits and strategies now, and you’ll be able to navigate the holidays in a more thoughtful way. You’re also giving yourself some “wiggle room” when it comes to the occasional indulgences. You’ll feel good instead of guilty while enjoying that seasonal cocktail or dessert. 

Gain confidence

Emotions are all over the place during the holiday season. Developing healthier lifestyle habits before the season starts can put you in a better frame of mind regarding your body. You’ll feel good about yourself and your body, giving you more confidence. And it’s not just about looking great — when you realize how great you feel and how much energy you have, your family and friends will notice it too. 

Establish a foundation

Establishing a solid foundation and strategy for your nutrition and physical health now can carry you through the holidays and after. When you finally take action and commit to developing better eating and exercise habits, you don’t want it to last a season. You want to be able to continue this journey and make it a part of your daily routine. 

Work With a Health Coach to Achieve Your Goals

It can be hard to change how you eat and exercise because life is unpredictable. Having a coach to support you and provide guidance, strategies, and tools is everything. When you work with a health coach, they’ll be able to give you guidelines on how to navigate the holidays and help you stick to your plan. 

Don’t wait until the new year to establish healthy habits! Start working on your goal now, and you may find the holidays much more enjoyable.

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